500th Anniversary Worship Service at Breslin Center
The Michigan District, LCMS has organized the 500th Reformation Anniversary Celebration Worship Service on October 15, 2017 at the Breslin Center. There are a number of activities happening and jobs to be done between now and then. These will be announce over the coming weeks and months.
Go to herewestand.michigandistrict.org for additional information.
Go to herewestand.michigandistrict.org for additional information.
To reserve your tickets for this unique service, you can go to the site listed above and click on the "Reserve Tickets" button to go through the reservation process or you may sign up for tickets on the sign-up sheet located in the Narthex. Just be sure you select our congregation when reserving online, so that we can all be seated together. There is no cost of the tickets, the tickets are just to simplify seating and make the process smoother.