Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood
is a 4 week Bible Study looking at the life of Noah and the incredible story in Genesis about the flood. Can it be true? What can we learn about his faith? Class begins Wednesday February 5th, 10:30 am and 6:30 pm sessions. Sign up in the church lobby.

Let’s make a difference
Did you know that we have money set aside in the Elder’s Fund to assist others? When have a friend, neighbor or coworker who needs help say, “my church may be able to help you!” Then Messiah is partnering with you to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Join Jesus on His mission as together we make an eternal difference. If you know of a need, contact your elder or Pastor Mark.

Altar Flower Donations Update: Almost there!
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to sponsor altar flowers for 2025. We are very near our goal of obtaining donors for every Sunday. As of 12/29, we have only 7 dates remaining unsponsored:
November 9,
December 21
The sign-up sheet has been moved to the bulletin board in the hall across from the copy room. Cost is $25.00; yours to take home following worship. Checks payable to Messiah can be placed in offering plate with notation “altar flower donation” and date of sponsorship.
Questions?: Contact Chris Gilliland. ([email protected])
Thanks to everyone who has already signed up to sponsor altar flowers for 2025. We are very near our goal of obtaining donors for every Sunday. As of 12/29, we have only 7 dates remaining unsponsored:
November 9,
December 21
The sign-up sheet has been moved to the bulletin board in the hall across from the copy room. Cost is $25.00; yours to take home following worship. Checks payable to Messiah can be placed in offering plate with notation “altar flower donation” and date of sponsorship.
Questions?: Contact Chris Gilliland. ([email protected])
Crossways will resume on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30pm. We begin the third section of Crossways- the Pre-exilic and exilic prophets. We will study Amos, Hosea, the first half of Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Ezekiel. Any graduate who would like to join us for a review of these prophets is most welcome.
Call or text Cyndy: [email protected] or 517-927-6712.
As always the prayers of our Messiah family are really needed and appreciated.
Crossways will resume on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30pm. We begin the third section of Crossways- the Pre-exilic and exilic prophets. We will study Amos, Hosea, the first half of Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Ezekiel. Any graduate who would like to join us for a review of these prophets is most welcome.
Call or text Cyndy: [email protected] or 517-927-6712.
As always the prayers of our Messiah family are really needed and appreciated.

Contacting Pastor Mark Werner
You can call the church office to set up an appointment or stop by his office for a quick “hello”. He is available Tuesday through Friday – mornings work best. Pastor is willing to meet with you in your home, by phone, or online. If you or a member of your household is hospitalized, please call contact him so he can visit. You can email him at [email protected]. His cell phone number for texts or calls is 906-202-3624.
or you can also fill out a Pastoral Care Request form online at: https://forms.gle/PYyQCCCt6aPi4kGc8
You can call the church office to set up an appointment or stop by his office for a quick “hello”. He is available Tuesday through Friday – mornings work best. Pastor is willing to meet with you in your home, by phone, or online. If you or a member of your household is hospitalized, please call contact him so he can visit. You can email him at [email protected]. His cell phone number for texts or calls is 906-202-3624.
or you can also fill out a Pastoral Care Request form online at: https://forms.gle/PYyQCCCt6aPi4kGc8

Sign up for the Email Announcements
The announcements are sent out in an email every week. If you do not receive it and wish to subscribe, just click here and enter the email address where you want to receive the announcements. Thanks!

Deadline for Bulletin Submissions
If you have submissions for either the weekly or the e-mail bulletin, please provide the information to the church office no later than 11:00 a.m. on Thursday. Thank you!

Mailing Weekly Bulletins
We are mailing our weekly bulletin to some of our homebound members. If you would like a copy of our weekly bulletin mailed to your home, please contact Pam in the Church office. Be sure to provide your FULL ADDRESS so we may verify we have your current and correct address. To help us keep our costs down, we ask that only those who do not have e-mail request printed bulletins. Thank you!

Monthly Calendar and Room Usage
Our monthly calendar only highlights ministry events here at Messiah, but there are many other groups and individuals who use our facilities throughout the week. If you would like to hold a meeting or event at the church building, please contact Pam in the church office (517-694-1280 or [email protected]) to make sure that the space you would like to use is not already reserved. Thank you!
Our monthly calendar only highlights ministry events here at Messiah, but there are many other groups and individuals who use our facilities throughout the week. If you would like to hold a meeting or event at the church building, please contact Pam in the church office (517-694-1280 or [email protected]) to make sure that the space you would like to use is not already reserved. Thank you!